
Meal Planning for a Busy Day

Lesson 3

Whether you’re headed out on a long day trip or just a busy day at work, it’s important to prep your meals in advance so you can have continuous energy all day long.

When I don’t prep my food the night before a busy day, I usually run the risk of feeling tired, sluggish and absolutely starving by the time I get home.  

When I first started working, I would go out for lunch every single day, leaving me with hundreds of dollars vanishing from my wallet each week and my pants starting to get just a tad too tight.  

By planning ahead, not only did I save money and lose weight, I also found that keeping my diet in check was easier.  I portioned out every meal I brought to work, carefully figuring out what to eat at each time of the day, and because of that portion control I was less likely to overdo it.

So let’s get to the nitty gritty, how do you realistically plan for a full day of meals?  It’s actually quite simple…


It’s important to bring something that doesn’t need a microwave to enjoy – so think egg sandwiches or unsweetened almond milk yogurt with berries and nuts.  

For your detox, you will have your protein shakes, but if that isn't enough, try a scrambled egg and half an avocado sliced with a scoop of fresh pico de gallo - that will give you protein, fats and fresh veggies from the very first meal of your day!


I like to pack salads loaded with tons of veggies and some sort of protein.  I usually bake a few chicken breasts the day before, then shred them and top the salads with the chicken.  You can use the rest of the chicken for either your dinner or for the next day, your decision.

Be sure to incorporate healthy fats (nuts, avocado) and lean proteins (chicken, turkey, tuna, beans, lentils).  The combination of healthy fats and lean protein should hold you over until that 3pm snack time.


My favorite homemade snacks:

Roasted broccoli seasoned with salty, pepper, garlic powder and a drizzle of olive oil / A small serving of meatless meatballs with homemade sauce / apple wedges with almond butter / carrot sticks with homemade pesto or guacamole


If you’re needing to plan for dinner away from home, make sure it is easily portable.  

Beef doesn’t tend to reheat very well so try to steer clear of that unless you are OK with eating it cold – except for meatballs, those heat up well in sauce.  

Chicken, shrimp and some types of seafood are great reheated (slowly) in a microwave, and even if you don’t have access to one, they will still be good cold.

All of the recipes I have shared in the Detox Recipes section can be pre-made and re-heated, so give one a try next time you need to plan ahead!

It will take a little time and preparation, but you’ll be happy you planned ahead when the day is done!

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