You can easily make a detox part of your daily routine with these easy ways:
Start your day with warm water and lemon to naturally detox your body.
Continue drinking as much water as you can throughout the day. There is no real rule to how much water you should drink - that in my opinion is a myth. If you're drinking water and just immediately peeing it out, then that's too much. Drink when your body is thirsty, and stop when it's not. Also be sure to add an electrolyte in once a day.
Add in one plant-based protein shake a day for breakfast or a snack, and add fiber when you're feeling bloated.
Chew slowly and listen to your body. By chewing slowly, you will be able to tell when you've had enough, well before you get to the point of stuffed.
Avoid overeating. Less is more after a detox, so be sure to keep your portions small.
Keep your meals and ingredients simple. When you crowd too many foods into one meal, your body will have a harder time digesting.
Refer to the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists and always try to buy organic.
Continue with the 30 minutes a day exercise rule - make sure to sweat for at least this amount of time in any form of exercise. Sweating helps detoxify your body too.
Stick to your 7-8 hours of sleep.
Add in cruciferous veggies, dark leafy greens, beets, ground flax and chia seeds, a probiotic and watery veggies like celery and cucumber to your daily diet.
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