The Benefits of Coconut Water
Lesson 7
It's going to be very important for you to stay hydrated through your detox this month. Coconut water is not only a delicious substitute for regular water, but it has so many health benefits too.
As a major source of natural electrolytes, coconut water helps replenish hydration into your body. It's also low in calories, free of fat and cholesterol and has more than triple the amount of potassium than a banana has.
Here are a few other benefits to drinking a glass of coconut water per day:
What to Look for When Purchasing Coconut Water
It's so important to know what you're buying, and to be sure you are purchasing the highest quality of coconut water. Many commercial food brands sell coconut water made with added sugars and sweeteners, and are processed with other additives to increase their flavor or add other flavors to them.
Look for unpasteurized coconut water - meaning that no heat was involved in extracting and bottling the coconut water. The coconut water looses much of it's nutrients and health benefits through this method, and then generally pumps it with added flavors and sugars to make it taste like fresh coconut water.
The best coconut waters are sold in the refrigerator section, and have a sell-by date of no more then a few weeks. If you are buying a coconut water that has an expiration of up to 2 years, pass and find a different one.
I have always admired The Food Babe's research on everything food-safety related, and she has put together a very helpful chart and article with more information.
If you really want to dive into the coconut water debate, you can check out her full article at
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