Torn Sourdough Croutons
We need to talk about croutons. They are so incredibly easy to make and store well in a plastic bag for up to three days after making. I feel as if this needs to be a public service announcement.
It wasn't until today that after enjoying some Papa Pomodoro Soup with Ryan did I realize that most of the world hasn't thought of making their own croutons! It's so much healthier to make your own foods from scratch and this is one recipe that is so easy and simple, I just have to share it with you.
I love to use sourdough because it's hearty enough to stand up to rich soups and stews and gives a little more flavor than a traditional country white bread would.
You can make these the way I do, or incorporate diced pancetta and sliced basil for an added kick. You could add herbs or red pepper flakes, whatever you prefer.
I made these for my Papa Pomodoro Soup that I love so much. If you're interested in the recipe, you can find it here.
You can also cool these off and throw them over a fresh salad too!
Making the croutons is simple...
Simply preheat the oven to 450 and line a baking sheet with tin foil. Tear a loaf of freshly baked sourdough bread into bite size pieces, then toss in a bowl with olive oil (about 1/4 cup) with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. You can add garlic powder, red pepper flakes, herbs, whatever, or just keep it simple. Lay the bread out in a single layer and bake for 6 minutes. Turn the pieces over to toast the other side and bake another 6 minutes, or until both sides are golden. Enjoy!