Caramelized Bluefish
Heres something to wrap your head around - bluefish that actually tastes delicious!
I'm not kidding, this is 100% a true story.
I've never been a big fan of bluefish - their sharp teeth and oily, fishy and worst of all blue meat, make them less than desirable. For a long time Ryan and I have tried to figure out a way to like these fish, considering every once in a while one steals his bait and he ends up with one. This time around, however, we have a winner.
Would you believe me if I told you the perfectly caramelized, extremely tender and tasty looking fish below was bluefish?
Oh the magic of a marinade.
After catching his latest bluefish, Ryan texted me to say that we would be having one for dinner. I was less than thrilled. He texted me to ask what a good side would be for the bluefish and my only thought and response was "ick, nothing".
I quickly changed my mind after trying one bite.
The best part about this dish?
It only needs two ingredients, the fish of course, and red wine vinegar. That's it.
Marinate the fish with the vinegar for 30 minutes to 1 hour, then you broil it, bake it and eat it. Simple as that, and surprisingly delicious.
Ryan did the shopping for our ingredients and came home with blush wine vinaigrette, which is basically the same thing. Either way, the vinegar is what is truly important here to draw out the oily-ness of the fish.
I served this dish with some simple rice pilaf and another recipe of my own, sauteed mushrooms, chickpeas and kale with pesto. It's a simple side to put together and everything can be made at the same time effortlessly. You can find the recipe for the chickpeas and kale on my website by clicking on the link below.
The fish didn't need any lemon, butter or other seasonings that you would think to serve with fish. It truly needed nothing but a fork to eat it.
Be brave, try something new, and sink your teeth into a bluefish - you'll be glad you did.
- 1 lb bluefish filets
- 1 bottle of red wine vinegar
- In a deep dish, arrange the bluefish in and pour the vinegar over the fish. Let it marinate for at least 30 minutes or up to two hours.
- Set the broiler to high and arrange a baking sheet with tin foil. Arrange the fish filets on the baking pan and broil on the second to top rack for 10 minutes, letting it caramelize. Watch carefully - the fish can easily burn.
- After 10 minutes, set the oven to 350 and move the fish to the bottom rack, cooking for another 10 minutes.
- The fish should be caramelized at this point and ready to eat. Serve immediately or store fish in an airtight container in the fridge for up to one day.